What Are The Benefits Of Having Your Own Pharmacy Website?

What Are The Benefits Of Having Your Own Pharmacy Website?

Unfortunately, some of our clients don't have access to this information as they don’t have an independent pharmacy website or their own email marketing capabilities. From a marketing perspective this really hinders the pharmacy owners ability to measure and track success of the pharmacies digital strategy.

Hang out where your customers are

Hang out where your customers are

The key to a clever marketing plan is understanding who your target audience(s) are and where you can reach them. Do not follow what everyone else is doing, adapt channels into your strategy that will work for your customers. So, the best way to categorise channels is breaking them up into two groups, the first being digital and the second traditional. We recommend selecting four channels to use monthly. Remember, with any marketing effort it requires patience and consistency.

4 Pharmacy KPI's You Need To Care About

4 Pharmacy KPI's You Need To Care About

I’m about to let you in on Peak’s worst kept secret! JT and I have been preaching on our soapboxes for some time now about the 4 Pharmacy KPI’s that you need to care about. We hosted a webinar last year about this very subject. However, I realised that we haven’t written a blog. So, today is your lucky day! I am going to give you some wonderful insight into these nifty KPI’s.