What is an Organic Marketing Strategy?

Here in marketing land, we like to throw around a lot of industry terms that to us make perfect sense. But I see blank stares from my pharmacy clients. A term which seems to always puzzle is, organic marketing strategy. What does organic have to do with digital marketing? Well, just like your tomatoes our social media marketing can sometimes benefit from some extra help to grow.


Organic marketing strategies are quite simply any digital strategy we use that does not cost us. One of the reasons why digital marketing through social media is so popular is that it is very cost effective. It is free to set up an account on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Tiktok. It is also free to communicate as much as you like to your audience through photos, videos, graphics, text, posts, stories, reels and messages.


However, when we stop talking about all the free features of social media and start looking at the stuff we pay for, this is where we are no longer discussing organic marketing. This is where we look at paid advertising and the numbers start to look a little different.


Your organic strategy should be consistent and engage people across their whole customer lifecycle. For our clients we break this down into inspire, educate, entertain and convince posts. We do this to ensure your organic strategy is strong and we can measure the success of each pillar. It also makes content planning a lot easier!

In social media marketing there are a few main metrics we like to measure. These are reach, engagement, impressions and CTR (click through rate). Just to name a few.