pharmacy social media

How To Nail Your Christmas Marketing Campaigns

How To Nail Your Christmas Marketing Campaigns

It is more than just putting up a sign, or printing a catalogue and putting it in your customers bag or on the counter. We need to think beyond the four walls of your pharmacy and reach your customers where they are making their buying decisions, and for most of us that is at home. You need to be utilising your digital marketing channels to their full capacity during Christmas time. And you need to start now.

How To Get Your Team Invested In Your Pharmacy Marketing

How To Get Your Team Invested In Your Pharmacy Marketing

Although we can manage your accounts and there are many pharmacies that do outsource their social media management. We see the best results when the accounts are managed by the team internally.

What makes community pharmacy so different from other businesses is the relationship your team has with their customers.

Community pharmacy isn’t about selling products to the masses, it is about tailored care for individuals. So, this needs to be reflected in your marketing strategy.



The growth in GP$ from covid related services and products is undeniable. But, as we head into the 2023 financial year we have to take the rose tinted covid glasses off and realise this income is not forever. The covid pot of gold under the pharmacy rainbow is not a never ending solution and it has already begun to dry up as we look at recent reports.

As we say goodbye to the covid storm it is not all doom and gloom. It is just about re-evaluating your strategy. It is time to tighten the belt and focus energy where you will see future profits. In community pharmacy this means making the most of your health services and community relationships.

Understanding social media for Pharmacies

Understanding social media for Pharmacies

Last week I was given the amazing opportunity to present for the Future Pharmacy Program on my favourite subject, social media for pharmacies. I walked away from the experience feeling very inspired so, I want to spread the social media love with the Peak blog readers.

Today I will be discussing the three c’s of pharmacy social media. So, let’s begin!