Do You REALLY Offer All The Services You Advertise?

Do You REALLY Offer All The Services You Advertise?

The way you present your pharmacy has impact and that’s why it’s vital to have a well-considered marketing strategy. Please do not advertise anything your team isn’t well versed on. Furthermore, your pharmacy may be chugging along well without a clear strategy but imagine the evolution your pharmacy could have if you did! Can you say no to increased customer numbers and foot traffic? I most certainly don’t think so.

How To Nail Your Christmas Marketing Campaigns

How To Nail Your Christmas Marketing Campaigns

It is more than just putting up a sign, or printing a catalogue and putting it in your customers bag or on the counter. We need to think beyond the four walls of your pharmacy and reach your customers where they are making their buying decisions, and for most of us that is at home. You need to be utilising your digital marketing channels to their full capacity during Christmas time. And you need to start now.



You can have the best advisors (accountants, lawyers, financiers etc) within your A team and they will be extremely supportive. However, more times than not, it is your support network (significant other and family) that will be there in the good times but also the dark times. Don’t forget they are usually the reason you are considering this journey and they should be involved in this journey of pharmacy partnership at every stage.

This Should Be Every Pharmacy Owner’s Greatest Focus - Store Culture

This Should Be Every Pharmacy Owner’s Greatest Focus - Store Culture

Team dynamics, how the community perceives your store, how your team responds to failures, challenges, the effectiveness of systems, how procedures are executed, health focus pharmacy offering, and most importantly, how your team and your business grows and evolves.

The reality is, how successful your business is (and success is not just defined by $, it is more than that) comes down to culture.

How To Get Your Team Invested In Your Pharmacy Marketing

How To Get Your Team Invested In Your Pharmacy Marketing

Although we can manage your accounts and there are many pharmacies that do outsource their social media management. We see the best results when the accounts are managed by the team internally.

What makes community pharmacy so different from other businesses is the relationship your team has with their customers.

Community pharmacy isn’t about selling products to the masses, it is about tailored care for individuals. So, this needs to be reflected in your marketing strategy.