This Should Be Every Pharmacy Owner’s Greatest Focus - Store Culture

If I reflect on my own journey in business, particularly from when I started Peak 12 years ago up until now, there is one aspect I think defines everything we do. It is fundamental to our successes, it is fundamental to how we bounce back from failure, it is fundamental to how every individual evolves when they become part of the Peak family, and it is fundamental to how we connect with our clients.

When I dig down further and reflect on those the key issue that separates long term success in community pharmacy and pharmacy owners, it is culture. And to me this is a pharmacy owners greatest challenge, particularly in an era where pharmacy has changed, and will continue to change and evolve.

I have said this before, owners spend too much time blaming external forces when things do not go to plan. The Blame Game. Yes, there are a lot of things that impact this industry that are outside our control. How you respond, and how your team responds only comes down to one thing. The culture you set.

It impacts everything.

Team dynamics, how the community perceives your store, how your team responds to failures, challenges, the effectiveness of systems, how procedures are executed, health focus pharmacy offering, and most importantly, how your team and your business grows and evolves.

The reality is, how successful your business is (and success is not just defined by $, it is more than that) comes down to culture.

If I dig down even further into this, how is that culture formed to begin with? This is the process that was shown to me, that we followed at Peak…