Pharmacy Mastermind Success Stories

I knew from when I first started this company Peak Strategies, that my main goal was to help pharmacy owners run successful pharmacies. That drove the desire for knowledge, for learning and for development. I did this through working with pharmacists and owners, to help as many pharmacy businesses as possible. All to understand what made a pharmacy successful. What were the good owners doing?

That is a life-long journey for me. But it led me to starting Pharmacy Mastermind. Pharmacy Mastermind was a key component in the evolution of myself and Peak. It brings together the people, the talent, the experience, and the skill sets needed to help pharmacies owners grow and prosper.

Now that Pharmacy Mastermind has been operating for a while, I wanted to share with you a couple of success stories and how we have helped pharmacies to grow.

Story #1 – The Power of Solid Marketing Strategies

This pharmacy came to us in March 2021 after suffering successive years of declining script numbers and customer numbers. Gross Profit was declining as was overall profitability. They were good owners, very skilled in fact. They had some proper marketing basics in place, particularly social media, a website, and loyalty program. But they lacked strategy and consistency…