Focussing on the Future Generations

We have often said that your team is your greatest asset. The more you invest in them the greater the return. What is most valuable for the interns and young pharmacists is the guidance and mentorship that the owners can provide. The impact they have on careers at this early stage can be immense. Owners have a key role in the development of their team. Invest in them, train them, develop them and set them up for a rewarding career.

A former mentor of mine once gave me some great advice. It is unrealistic to think an employee will stay with you forever. Employees come and go. What is most important though is everyone in your team leaves in a better position than when they started with you. Whilst we need to have a keen focus on the current team and their development, what we can say for certain is over time things change. People come and go, owners included. We need to have an eye on the issue of Succession.