Reach THOUSANDS of customers outside the four walls of your pharmacy.

A common statement I hear from pharmacy owners is they do not see the value in focusing on local marketing. Look I understand, any business strategy must achieve tangible results. So, today rather than standing on my soapbox and waving the marketing flag, I will discuss a case study to prove that local marketing can work in your favour.

John and I work with different pharmacies as a part of our Pharmacy Mastermind program. One of these pharmacies have embraced their marketing plan, which they are seeing some exceptional results.


So, rewind to a few months ago when we initially caught up with said pharmacy, we chatted with the team about the data they presented us with. From an analytics perspective, we could see a real opportunity for growth. This was because they had a foundation to begin with; a captive social media audience, steady traffic to the website and a large database which housed customer’s email addresses. Together we mapped out the opportunities and created a plan which would mean that they were communicating to their audiences through the various channels above on a weekly basis.

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Written by our Marketing Manager, Sarah Rendell