Brands Are Missing A Golden Opportunity

In the pharmacy landscape we have both independent pharmacies, and different brands offering various things. From the pharmacies we work with, we cannot identify a real trend between top performers and the poor performers when it comes to brands vs independents. It mostly comes down to the skill of the owner. Of course, there are exceptions with some brands we know performing better than the market.

What I find most interesting however, is brands have a lot more resources at their disposal than the average independent pharmacy owner, but some of their pharmacies are missing a golden opportunity. What is this you ask? Well, read along..

If you’ve engaged with any of our content, you would have heard discussions about brand marketing versus community based marketing. Brand marketing is about building the brand and most do an exceptional job at this. However, what we believe at Peak Strategies is that brand marketing is the supporting act and local marketing is the headliner. Therefore, it is the connection to a specific pharmacy’s community that makes all the difference. So, the missing link to a branded pharmacy’s marketing plan is how to connect the resources from your brand to help build a strong local presence.