Managing the financial arrangements for partners in a partnership is mostly a straight-forward process. But often made complicated and messy by not paying attention to the financial arrangement between partners and the associated implications. If these are kept untidy they can potentially lead to disagreements later on, particularly when partners are exiting the business.
Your Pharmacy Guide to the Federal Budget 2021-22
It’s been over a year since COVID-19 dramatically entered into our lives and it continues to disrupt the lives of the Australian community and all countries worldwide. What has been recognised amongst this chaos is the integral part that community pharmacy plays in the lives of the everyday person. So, before we get into the juicy details of the Budget, I just wanted to acknowledge the pharmacy industry and what an incredible job they have done in keeping our community safe and healthy over this difficult period.
Managing your pharmacy with KPI's
Business ownership is a very emotive thing. We intuitively have a reasonable grasp of what is happening in our businesses from the day to day involvement, and from the conversations we have with our team. But as I have learnt, and other clients too, decisions based on emotion are rather dangerous. Sometimes what we think is happening is very different from what is actually happening. Politics, agendas, and biases come into play, often unintentional too. The best decisions are those back up by data and statistics. Data Analytics is a big part of modern-day business.
What are you doing to inspire your team?
I love my job. No seriously, I always joke in the office that I have the fun role! I get to spend a lot of time on social media, creating content, building relationships, and visiting pharmacies.
I also engage and connect with many different pharmacy teams. What I enjoy the most is I get to know pharmacy owners, pharmacists, retail manager, stock controllers, pharmacy assistants and so forth. This is because with marketing, every team member plays a key role. So, from my pharmacy adventures I have learnt a lot. One of the biggest lessons so far, is the power of a pharmacy owner using leadership to drive their team to success.
GUEST BLOG | Consult room speed bump ahead.
We asked the amazing Shane Moyle from Design District to jump on to discuss private consultation rooms and how to be compliant.
In light of Pharmacists nationwide being requested to register their EOI to vaccinate for the soon-to-be released Covid-19 vaccines, there are considerations that come along with that decision.
If you currently have a compliant operating Private Consultation room suitable for vaccinations, you are in a great position to offer this protection to your local community.