A lot of pharmacies rely too heavily on their franchise for marketing. They assume because they are associated with a particular brand that they don’t have to create localised marketing strategies. They become too reliant on others for their success and in turn lose their creativity and innovative talents.
Pharmacists Role: Perception vs Realty
Last week I came across an article on news.com.au about a radio host Kristie Mercer from KiisFM’s Thinkergirls. It involved her heading to her segment’s Facebook page to ask the question why it takes so long to get a script at the chemist. She did this by posting a video of herself inside a pharmacy and going on a rant about having to wait. She described it as a “big mystery” and “like the seventh wonder of the world.”
6 Social Media Tips for your Pharmacy
Strategies to educate your customers about your pharmacy
Last week was my first networking event in the pharmacy industry. I attended the Symbion Networking Night to support John as the guest speaker (which of course he was amazing). I utilised this opportunity to rub shoulders with some pharmacists and owners. It was great, I learnt a lot and knew exactly what to write about for this week's blog.
What value is your pharmacy adding to the community?
Is your pharmacy adding value to your community?
Well what a silly question! I assume there might even be some eye rolls reading this. However I am actually asking just that.
Before working for Peak Strategies I had no experience with pharmacies other than being a customer. I would visit pharmacies to either fill a prescription or to buy something for my runny nose.