2021 Wrap Up!

I am currently sitting here in my office at home on a Friday, looking out over the trees and bushland out of my window, the first hint of summer is coming, the days are warming up and I am about to head out to another Christmas Party. Marketing has been nagging me for a 2021 wrap up blog so I have been reflecting on the ride the last two years have been.

I will be a little philosophical here if you don’t mind. Any one in business knows there are plenty of challenges thrown your way. We had our fair share as well; it was an incredibly challenging phase. In fact, probably one of the hardest we have had to face.

Yeah, it took its toll on us. I will put my hand up to say it took its toll on me physically and mentally. But my support team are the best in what they do. I end the year in probably the best position I have ever been in for a long time, physically, mentally, and professionally.

I think the word that comes to mind here when reflecting over the past 2 years is “resilience”. During the year I was in a webinar presented by Australian cricket fast bowler legend Glenn McGrath. It was all about resilience. As a quick summary of the main points:

• Self-Belief - back yourself

• Work hard

• Always improve

• Have fun

• Bounce back from failure – keep going

• Strong leadership

• Enjoy each other’s success

• Planning and preparation

• Accept mistakes

• Routines

• Process not product

• Amazing team

• Great game plan

• Have something to be excited about outside your profession

I have lent on these points several times this year. So much so I want to write it on our walls in the office.

Another important point of reflection is these challenges provide opportunities to learn, and learn we did. I have the best team, family, friends, and the best mentors around me. With this support, challenges become learning opportunities. Learning opportunities turn into periods of uncomfortableness. This is your zone of self-discovery and growth. As a great mentor once told me, be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Sarah (Ra Ra) is taking time away next year to be a Mum, the best job in the world. The family at Peak is immensely happy for her and wishes her all the best. Sarah is a Peak “lifer”, so we look forward to having her back with the family later next year. Once again, your contribution to Peak is incredible. I cannot thank you enough for what you do. Just a little less nagging though!

Stepping in for her is the wonderful Renee Giesemann (Reners). She is an absolute treasure. We are so lucky to have found her. She is going to do a great job stepping in for Sarah. No doubt the nag factor I cop here daily is not going away anytime soon. Sigh!

Also joining us this year is Bethany (I call her BB…don’t ask). BB steps into the role of client services and has brought so much fun and vitality to the family, granted with many moments of inappropriateness. She is a unique character, does a great job and is wonderful in dealing with our clients.

Another blessing the Peak family has had this year is the awesome contribution by our Philippines family. Joy, Arnie and Yhan, you lot are the most beautiful souls we have ever met. The Peak family is so much better when we hear your voices every morning. Thank you all for your hard work this year. We look forward to many years ahead.

Also our Accountant superstars Marcus (Marky Mark) and Patricia (Patty, Cakes, Kimmie K)! This year they both have grown leaps and bounds, I am forever grateful to have them as a part of the Peak Family. I especially love chatting to Patricia first thing in the morning.

Victoria (V) and Priya (Pri), you girls are amazingly talented, inspiring and the best managers I could ever have hoped for. Thank you, thank you a million thank you’s.

Pharmacy Mastermind was conceived this year and has grown well. We have some wonderful clients on board and seeing some great results come through. We are working hard behind the scenes to create some awesome content to help grow them even further. I must be honest and say it is the most professionally rewarding thing I have done. Ra Ra, thank you for all your help.

Overall, I have the best team. They are wonderful people who I am so glad are part of our family. They have all grown, immensely talented and truly have a lot of passion for what they do. We laugh all day, often inappropriate, but the best family one could hope for. As a business we have grown immensely. We have a lot of opportunities in front of us to help grow community pharmacy. I am proud of you all, and proud of where we are as a business.

To the pharmacy community, once again you have demonstrated how vital you all are to community’s health. Your role cannot be understated. I know you have all put up with a lot, many of you have copped abuse from certain members of the public to do what is best for Australia, for very little monetary return.

I want to turn your attention to next year. Community Pharmacy has a lot of opportunities in front of it. Owners, I must emphasise here, make sure you spent time planning for next year. There are opportunities in marketing, collaborations, in clearly defining your team structures, opportunities to be owners and not employees. Plan, strategise and never stop learning.

Here’s to 2022. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Try something different next year to be the best you can be!

If you are planning for next year and want to know if we can help, book a suitability meeting below.