6 mistakes that pharmacies are making with their social media

6 mistakes that pharmacies are making with their social media

In Australia according to Sensis almost eight in ten people now use social media.

That’s why many pharmacies have jumped on the bandwagon and signed up to various social media platforms. Which is great as social media is an amazing tool for building relationships with customers. However, it’s vital to have the right marketing plan in place. So, today we will share some common mistake that pharmacies are making with social media and offer solutions to these issues.

Let’s begin!  

6 Forgotten Issues Regarding Legal Structures When Buying a Pharmacy

6 Forgotten Issues Regarding Legal Structures When Buying a Pharmacy

The choice of what legal entity you use to own your pharmacy or own your partnership interest through is a critical issue and very complex, often with no perfect answers. To go through all the issues in detail that you need to consider would require me to write three books the size of Lord of the Rings, which doesn’t suit the small framework for this blog.

Why does your pharmacy exist?

Why does your pharmacy exist?

There is a reason why you decided to become a pharmacy owner. You had goals, dreams and aspirations. Amid running a business day to day it is often easy to forget about why you started. However, to run a profitable pharmacy you must understand why it exists and how you’re going to leverage that into success.

Tax | Your Guide to Rental Properties

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Rental properties are one of the ATO’s favourite areas to target when it comes to auditing tax returns. The deduction claims are what the ATO mainly focuses on so keep reading to find out common items we come across with investment rental properties and how you can stay compliant with the ATO when disclosing your rental property activities.