Retail or pharmacist?

Retail or pharmacist?

Retailer or Pharmacy?

I must say I am a little confused these days about what pharmacy is or what pharmacy is becoming. To be successful should you be a retailer or a pharmacist, are some pharmacies successful because the owners are very good retailers? Yes I guess that is the case in some instances. However, there are also pharmacies that are successful because they are good pharmacists.

How to future proof your pharmacy business

How to future proof your pharmacy business

Thinking Forward 3 Years

In last week's blog, I mentioned thinking forward 3 years and the importance of having a well defined vision for your pharmacy. One of the most fundamental skills any business owner should have is a clear insight into what stage their business is at.  Knowing clearly what you want to evolve into and the path you need to take.

Pharmacy Marketing | Step out of your Comfort Zone

Pharmacy Marketing | Step out of your Comfort Zone

Pharmacy Marketing Tip # 1

This is the 17th blog we’ve sent to our mailing list. We’ve had really positive feedback, some hiccups but overall it’s been exciting for Peak Strategies.

When I started working with John at the beginning of the year, I did have some reservations. Let’s be frank; I didn’t think John as an Accountant would embrace all of the marketing strategies that I have grown to love. I wasn’t sure whether he would want to be completely raw with his clients. John is amazing at what he does, his client base reflects that. Marketing however, is a completely different ball game. It involves taking some risks and being creative. Some of the time you have to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there. It can be scary especially for an Accountant.

How to improve your pharmacy through being different

How to improve your pharmacy through being different

Dare to be different

When I first started Peak Strategies (PS), I had a problem with truly connecting to what I was doing. This was because I felt no different to other accounting firms. I was delivering the same things as everybody else. I didn’t like that, I wasn’t proud. Furthermore, l wanted to feel unique and special.

Then I had a significant turning point in my career. This moment had such a fundamental impact on my business. It happened when I was in the process of choosing the PS colour and logos. The graphic designer gave me a range of colours and choice of design. She however, asked what colour I disliked the most and couldn’t image using. I said fluorescent orange and she responded with “well that’s what you’re going with”. You can imagine the panic and emotional turmoil I felt towards that response. HOWEVER at this point, I hadn’t realised that I was beginning to differentiate myself from the others (others being accounting firms).

Pharmacy & Business Mentors

Pharmacy & Business Mentors


John was chatting to me last week about one of his mentoring clients. He was explaining the exciting journey and how it’s a favourite part of his job, and the most rewarding. I think it’s amazing that pharmacy owner’s trust and respect John enough to have him mentor them. What I think is EVEN more amazing is that these people have reached out; because lets be frank it’s hard to admit when you need help.