How to create a positive workplace environment

It’s Victoria your spiritual leader, here to bring you the not so secret ideas on how to create a positive workplace environment. Before you read on, please make sure you have read my previous blog 10 Signs You Have a Toxic Workplace Culture to help make sense of these ideas.

A positive workplace culture is created by the level of employee satisfaction. If an employee is happy at work, you will see the following results:

·         They are more willing to help out and go above and beyond.

·         Their creativity and innovation is boosted and are more willing to actively participate in adding input and support to the team and the business goals.

·         There is enthusiasm in the tasks that they perform.

·         Increased productivity.

·         They are unlikely to quit as they feel connected and have built loyalty to the business.

·         The positivity vibe will radiate throughout the workplace. Customers will have a better interaction with your team and will continue to return due to a positive experience at your pharmacy.

I know what I mentioned sounds too good to be true, but it is achievable as I have felt all of this in Peak’s existing workplace culture. Have I mentioned I have been here for 8.5 years?! So how do you create this wonderful workplace environment and retain employee satisfaction? Well, here are some ideas you can implement within your pharmacy: