Back to Basics | Five key areas to focus on in your pharmacy


It can be a little overwhelming when you are in business to know what exactly you should be focusing on. There are so many issues floating around every day to deal with that require your attention and energy. It is very easy to lose focus. I have no doubt every business owner at some stage gets lost in the forest of “stuff”. Plus, not every business owner has well documented strategies, goals and action points. Most of us are too busy on “stuff”.

I had this exact same moment not so long ago. There were lots of issues floating around, knee deep in “stuff” and losing sleep over it too. I was watching a webinar and a simple graphic reminded me of what I am doing and why. For me it helped refocus my thoughts.

It is very easy to lose sight on what you should be focusing on. In times like this, its best to focus on the five basic components that features in nearly every business. Five key areas you need to build strategies around and apply to your business situation.

Attract New Customers

Every business must have processes in place to bring in new customers/patients/clients. As a former mentor told me, you need to be a marketing machine with a business built around it. It is difficult to achieve growth without a focused effort on attracting new business. This is all about your marketing strategies. Also, don’t think marketing is just social media, or just sending out catalogues.  It is about communicating and connecting with your target audience, through a variety of different channels. Websites, social media, blogs, events, collaborations, community events, podcasts etc. Don’t always just sell, sometimes people don’t want to be sold to. Educate them and provide them with value.

Manage Existing Customers

There is no point putting a huge amount of effort into bringing in new business if we are not looking after the ones we already have and losing them to the competition. Growth can also be achieved by focusing on your existing customers needs and providing the right products and services that they can connect with. Systems and procedures need to be built around this to identify what your customer needs are and looking after them well.