Top KPIs to Monitor During 60 Day Dispensing

Top KPIs to Monitor During 60 Day Dispensing

Community Pharmacy  is a resilient industry and over the years you have had a lot of challenges thrown at you and boy have you battled hard for your community; for all Australians. Unfortunately, another obstacle has been thrown into the pharmacy landscape and your next challenge which will have a huge impact on your business and patients’ welfare is to commence on 1 September 2023; 60 day dispensing.

Pharmacies are likely to be impacted negatively through this policy and I want to share some insights on how you can keep track of your pharmacy’s performance through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

What do your patients really think?

What do your patients really think?

So much has transpired in my life over the past few years and  the most heartwarming change was my transition into motherhood and embracing the role  as a proud parent to my son, Harry (fondly referred to as Hazza around the office). During my maternity leave, my interaction with pharmacists took on a new dimension; something any new parent can easily relate to! The frequency of my visits to pharmacies undoubtedly surged and well, pharmacies became my new best friend.  These experiences have further expanded my knowledge so when I returned to work and started working with pharmacies and their marketing, my approach also evolved.

Breaking Down the Best: A Recap of the 2023 WA Pharmacy Forum!


The 2023 Pharmacy Forum held last week brought together Pharmacists from all over WA to learn, connect, and share insights in an ever-evolving industry.

As our team reflects on the event, we're excited to share some of our most valuable takeaways and favourite moments.


Favourite part of the Forum:

It has to be the people! The whole day is filled with so many conversations, with so many people, from all sectors of this great industry. Everyone coming together to learn, to share, to try and be just a little bit better than yesterday. Great conversation and many laughs.

What did I learn?

Pharmacy owners are quite concerned about valuations and the impact 60DD will have on the value of their pharmacy. This was by far the biggest topic of conversation over the two days. However, amidst their concerns, owners are also adopting their business-minded hats and thinking of strategies for the way forward.



Favourite Part of Forum:

I have two favourite parts of the forum. The first being the industry panel session where they discussed the pharmacy’s outlook for the next 12 months. It was engaging to learn the thoughts of pharmacy from all different perspectives from the wholesalers, valuations, banking and from the Guild. With 60-day dispensing nearing, I think most people were engaged in wanting to know what the next year was going to impact them so they can put strategies in place. The second part which is always my favourite is meeting with new and catching up with these amazing pharmacists and industry reps. It’s so great to talk to people who are passionate about all things pharmacy and getting their insights to grow my knowledge.

What did I learn:

After lots of discussions, it looks like people are not fearful of 60 days and are putting strategies in place for the next year to combat against the challenges and seek opportunities within their pharmacies. You can only be in control of what you can control and there have been more support than what people realise through wholesalers, banks, and other pharmacy advisors. I’m really impressed with the strategies people are putting in place.


Favourite part of the Forum:

This year was by far the most enjoyable forum I have attended. I had two favourites although technically one of those was not part of the forum.

1.       The Women in Pharmacy breakfast – I was just so proud of the turnout and the feedback from attendees was positive and it was very well received. I was also surprised by just how many male pharmacists commented on it being a great initiative.

2.       The two speakers – Justin Langer and Julian Pace were so inspiring. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting from Justin but his attitude to his setbacks over his career were really inspiring. Julian Pace on the other hand – his story broke my heart but a lot of what he said resonated with me.

What did I learn?

There were so many things I learnt; the main ones were:

1.       How resilient the pharmacy industry is, although we are in an ever-changing landscape and clients are understandably concerned; many are ready to take on the challenge to find the positives and have hope that it will all work out.

2.       How to take control of my internal fulfilment and how to measure that. It all starts with something that is so simple yet to put it into practice without feeling guilty; that is SELFCARE! To be a good wife, mum, leader, and role model, I need to be able to be fulfilled to then be able to achieve my goals. Only then can I lead/guide my beautiful family and an awesome team to their own fulfilment and happiness. Only then can I guide our clients through difficult situations. I was surprised to see how many people are in the same boat as me.


Favourite part of Forum:

My favourite part of the WA Pharmacy Forum was connecting with new and old clients. Having been previously working inter-state for several years, it was great catching up with many WA pharmacy owners and those in the pharmacy industry. It was also very cool to see John and Sarah present their workshops and really see them in action sharing their expertise and passion to help the industry.

What did I learn?

I went away from the forum valuing the business and personal relationships I have. Justin Langer spoke very well on leadership, focus and determination which was insightful. He showed one of his favourite photos of his old teammates and friends, then highlighted how very different each of those players were, yet they were so united and successful as a team.

I work with such an amazing team at Peak and it’s great to be part of Peak’s success and growth.


Favourite Part of the Forum:

My favourite part about the forum was catching up with people who I haven't met in a long time and meeting new people. As we are all so busy during the year, it's always hard to find time to catch up with clients and other people from this industry. As I haven't been back in Perth in a while, there are some people who I have been talking to for a long time over the phone or email but never had a chance to meet in person before. The Forum gave me the opportunity to finally meet those people in person. In addition to that, I had the opportunity to meet new people who make this industry such as pharmacy owners, suppliers, brands, etc.

What did I learn?

A take-home note that I brought back from the Forum is to always be kind to myself. There is always an opportunity to learn in every single decision that I make so even if I made the wrong choice, instead of being so hard on myself, I should try to take it as an opportunity to learn more for me to move forward.


Favourite part of the Forum:

That’s easy networking! I love every year connecting, learning, and growing within the pharmacy industry. Also, very much enjoyed the Women in Pharmacy WA breaky!

What did I learn?

Despite a lot of uncertainty across the industry post 60-day dispensing, there is still an air of positivity and excitement. I had so many questions regarding strategy and plans forward, I look forward to working with owners in the future on how to create revenue opportunities.

The 2023 Pharmacy Forum was a whirlwind of insights, connections, and inspiration for our team. From the power of unity and resilience to the significance of self-care and personal growth, the event highlighted the pharmacy industry's dynamism and determination. As we reflect on our favourite moments and key takeaways, we're excited to carry these lessons forward, empowering us to thrive in the ever-changing world of pharmacy.


Email Mastery for Pharmacies!

Email Mastery for Pharmacies!

I had a light bulb moment recently! Email marketing has stolen my heart for pharmacies regarding patient loyalty and store visits. However, like anything email marketing needs a system and consistency, which I notice is a downfall for the industry. In the effort of transparency, I am going to share some easy to implement tips that you can use to drive further traffic into your pharmacy, and no, you don’t need a marketing degree to achieve this success!

How Does a pharmacy fit out FIT in your Tax?

How Does a pharmacy fit out FIT in your Tax?

Fit outs can be quite the experience! They may not come cheap, and they demand a lot of time and effort, causing significant disruptions. However, they hold immense importance and are an essential aspect of pharmacy business practices. Clients often approach us with one common question during their fit-out planning or execution: "What is the tax treatment?" Considering the substantial amount of money involved in these endeavours, the tax implications are crucial, and we need to address a myriad of issues. With Depreciation, Temporary Full Expensing, and Instant Asset Write Offs rules in constant flux, alongside the complexities of Fit Out incentives, it's no wonder this is a topic of concern. To help you gain some clarity, I've taken the liberty of breaking it all down.