
What you can measure you can manage

What you can measure you can manage

What you can Measure you can Manage?

I previously wrote about the importance of good accurate data and how your business decisions will be improved as a result. With good data we then have an ability to make informed decisions based less on emotion and more on raw data. Let us now extend on that a little further.

Good Data, Good Decisions

Good Data, Good Decisions

What does "good data" mean?

Pharmacy is tough, and it is getting tougher. The industry is so much more competitive, new major players coming in, there are reviews into the pharmacy sector, rents getting higher and landlords are problematic, wages, staffing and so forth. It is not easy, but to have a chance of surviving you have to make good decisions.

Pharmacy-What you can measure, you can manage.

Pharmacy-What you can measure, you can manage.

Script Numbers and Customer Numbers.

This week we will be continuing our discussion about Pharmacy performance. Last blog we spoke about Sales and Sales growth.  Today, we delve deeper into the key components that ultimately determine sales